Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Location: Marriott Westchase
Instructor: Randy Mitchell, PSI
Cost: $95
Included with course registration: Class notes, buffet lunch and networking time. Convention Icebreaker will be at 5 pm after the course concluded.
Come learn the basic why’s and how-to of wireline log interpretation and analysis.
What do the tools measure? Is it always correct? How to calculate porosity and fluid saturations, and how to make sense of the results and begin to predict performance. We will also discuss how to use core analysis to calibrate the log analysis. This course is focused on the basic analysis of conventional reservoirs. It will also touch on unconventional reservoirs. Attendees are encouraged to bring a pencil, colored pencils, and a calculator for exercises.
Topics to be covered in “Introduction to Petrophysics”
How logging data is acquired
The borehole environment
How the logging tools work and what they are responding to in the rock
Determining formation temperature and water salinity
Compaction and pore types
The Archie equation
Quicklook methods for porosity and water saturation estimation
Intro to capillary pressure and pore geometry recognition
Lithology identification
Clay volume estimation and intro to shaly sand equations
Computer interpretation
Net pay estimation
Work problems
Randy G. Mitchell, Senior Petrophysical Consultant for PSI
Mitchell has worldwide petrophysical and pore pressure experience in a variety of basins / formations. His focus for the past few years has been on unconventional reservoirs. He has 45 years’ experience with Conoco in Houston and Norway, Hamilton Brothers in Denver, and Hess Corporation in Houston. He specializes in integrating many data types to develop a holistic view of the reservoir. He has extensive field study, rock physics, reservoir characterization, and training skills. Randy is a Texas A&M Geology graduate and an active member in SPWLA
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